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  • Apr 08 Mon 2013 02:17
  • 記住


⋯⋯ 然而它最大的意義是在你需要的時候它會告訴你爸爸媽媽在惦記著你。

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米奈 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

20 Things I Should Have Known at 20

1. The world is trying to keep you stupid. From bank fees to interest rates to miracle diets, people who are not educated are easier to get money from and easier to lead. Educate yourself as much as possible for wealth, independence, and happiness.

2. Do not have faith in institutions(機構) to educate you. By the time they build the curriculum(全部課程), it’s likely that the system is outdated– sometimes utterly(完全地) broken. You both learn and get respect from people worth getting it from by leading and doing, not by following.

3. Read as much as you can. Learn to speed read with high retention(記憶力). Emerson Spartz taught me this while I was at a Summit Series event. If he reads 2-3 books a week, you can read one.

4. Connect with everyone, all the time. Be genuine(真誠的) about it. Learn to find something you like in each person, and then speak to that thing.

5. Don’t waste time being shy. Shyness is the belief(信念) that your emotions should be the arbitrators(主宰人) of your decision making process when the opposite is actually true.

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卡內基  「三十歲以前不要去在乎的29件事」

把握的反面就是放棄,選擇了一個機會,就等於放棄了其他所有的可能。當新的機會擺在面前的時候,敢於放棄已經獲得的一切,這不是功虧一簣,這不是半途而廢, 這是為了謀求更大的發展空間;或者什麼都不為,只因為喜歡這樣做,因為,年輕就是最大的機會。人,只有在三十歲之前才會有這個膽量,有這個資本,有這個資格。


不是不在乎,是在乎不起。三十歲前最怕失去的不是已經擁有的東西,而是夢想。愛情如果只是一個過程,那麼正是這個年齡應當經歷的,如果要承擔結果,三十歲以後,可能會更有能力,更有資格。其實,三十歲之前我們要做的事情很多,稍縱即 逝,過久地沉溺在已經乾涸的愛河的河床中,與這個年齡的生命節奏不合。

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